Solicitor Dashboard
This Dashboard Package consists of 6 Key Business Intelligence (BI) Topics for Solicitors covering Employment Law, Health & Safety Regulations, Company Law, EU Regulations, International Trade and Tax. The Dashboard provides you with comprehensive coverage for each Topic in one place and multiple uses to match your specific business needs.
Dashboard Topics
Employment Law Monitor
Health & Safety Monitor
Company Law Monitor
EU Regulation Monitor
Tax Updates Monitor
International Trade Monitor
Employment Law Monitor: Content Coverage
The Xsortal monitors hundreds of proprietary and quality Employment Law sources and alerts each day, providing you with comprehensive coverage in one place across seven main Employment Law categories.
Advice & Guidance
Employment Law Events
Laws & Court Rulings
Regulator Services
Crackdowns & Amnesty
Employment Law Statistics
Rates & Reliefs
Employment Law Monitor: Content Matching
The Xsortal is designed to match the Employment Law content you want to see and deliver it the way you want to use it. Below are five user options for you to leverage in your business.
Daily Update Monitor
See all the latest Employment Law updates in one place to save time, costs and resources.
Daily Critical Notifications
Select the type of Employment Law updates critical to your business for daily notification.
Monthly Productivity Report
Discover the new Employment Law opportunities, risks and regulations for your business.
Monthly Update Summary
Get a quick summary of all the Employment Law updates with specially selected features.
Customising Updates & Reports
Customise the Employment Law updates for your business and produce tailored reports.
Request a Dashboard Demo or
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Custom Dashboard needs.
Discover how to leverage the Dashboard to achieve a full set of productivity benefits.
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